But insofar as you are sharing Christ’s sufferings, keep on rejoicing, so that when His glory is revealed, you may rejoice with great joy.
1 Peter 4:13
I lost my baby boy, Lord. He came too early, too soon; my womb, his tomb. I held his tiny body in my hands. And my heart split open in my chest.
I don’t feel much like rejoicing. But here it is, in black and white, “Keep on rejoicing.” Don’t I ask for that kind of clarity — for You to spell it out for me? To make it plain, give it to me straight? And so You have. Yet I squirm under the command. I question it. I say, “But that feels impossible.”
Mary once asked, “But how will this be…?” (Luke 1:34)
And You answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you…for nothing will be impossible with God.” (v.35)
With God. With You.
I know that’s the answer to my question, too. How can I do this impossible thing? How do I keep on rejoicing and give thanks in everything? That’s it. That’s the whole holy way. The only way to do anything is with You.
“What is impossible for man is possible with God,” (Luke 18:27). Somehow, some way, You make a way where there is no way in me.
Will I, like tender Mary, reply, “I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be to me according to Your word?” (Luke 1:38). Yes, Lord, let it be true of me, with You.
You whisper truth into my heart. Your word is a balm for my soul:
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4
Together Strong
They do comfort me. You are my com-fortis, my together-strong. So it is possible, You and me together, in the strength You provide. It is possible one stumbling step at a time. Do I dare delight in weakness? Do I dare boast of a broken heart?
Come in, Jesus! Overshadow me with Your perfect power, Your all-sufficient grace. When I am weak, then I am strong, (2 Corinthians 12:9-11). I feel the depths of my fragility, and that makes way for Your invincibility.
Jesus, I do not feel strong. But You are the strong! Your power rests on me! I am struck down, but I am not destroyed! My broken heart will not lose heart! (See 2 Corinthians 4:9,16.)
I take a shaky step and ask again, “Is it possible?”
“It is possible,” You say. I am a shield about you, your glory, and the One who holds your head high. I am the One who holds you together. Together-strong.
You’ve Already Won
Hold up my head, Lord, my hands, my heart. Hold them high, and I will win this battle You fight on my behalf. I will win the battle You’ve already won. You are the joy! You are in me! The joy of the Lord is my strength, and I will praise You!
“And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me. In Your tent I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD!” Psalm 27:6
I keep on rejoicing with You. I walk through the valley of the shadow of death with You. Spread the tabernacle of Your power over me. Bring out the You in me!
All Death to Death
You lost Your baby boy, Lord. But it wasn’t too early, too soon. At just the right time, while I was still utterly helpless and weak, Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6). Christ died for me. Did You hold His body in Your hands? Did Your heart split open in Your chest? His death put all death to death. And then He split open the tomb!
Oh, Jesus! Somehow, some way, You make a way where there is no way in me. I know the way! You are the way in me! Keep leading me back to this truth. Help me with boldness say: “I can do all things, even this thing, with You in me,” (Philippians 4:13).
You are my together-strong. I trust You, Lord. Help me trust You. I do not walk this broken path alone. You are with me! You are with me! I know You are with me!
And my broken heart dares give a great leap!
Dear Reader: If you have suffered the loss of your baby through miscarriage, I am so sorry. I have two babies in heaven, and I know your pain. My losses are fresh, my heart is crushed. But I cling to the hope of Christ! This is hard, and I am held. If you are hurting, how I pray that you know that you, too, are held. Do not walk your broken path alone. I will walk it with you! But, more than that, Christ, our Great Hope and Comforter, will walk with you, as your together-strong. Please let me know, so I can support and pray for you.