Against the Lions
Feeling scattered? Isolated? Under extreme pressure? Recognize this for what it is: an attack from the enemy. Keep watch and stand against him.
Feeling scattered? Isolated? Under extreme pressure? Recognize this for what it is: an attack from the enemy. Keep watch and stand against him.
Does God and His glorious grace ever diminish? No, never! But what happens when we stop intentionally beholding His glory, when we lose sight of the miracle we’re daily living?
Hey friend, you have this hope an anchor for your soul! When all hope seems lost, we have a way back. Welcome home to hope!
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart.” It’s so hard to give over ALL of your heart isn’t it? And yet, it’s far more difficult to navigate the circumstances of life by my own strength. So how do I trust when the way ahead feels impossible? Read on and be encouraged to keep leaning!
Are you hoping for a change this year? You are in safe hands with our compassionate Christ. Read on for the five words that change everything!
Peace and suffering co-exist, but only one will last. How do we have peace in the hard in-between place? Through the pursuit of holiness, resting in our Savior, and helping others.
There is an enemy whose weapon is set to steal, kill, and destroy our hope and joy in Christ. But, there is also a Hero who came to give us life to the full! When the road between seems long and slow, with far too many detours, there is a way to press on.
In this world between victories, we still encounter seasons that weigh us down. We grow weary. It feels like the long road will never end. What are we to do as we wait between Christ’s first coming and His final victorious return?
All of life is advent. All of life is expectant, hope-filled waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. When you feel the weight of the wait, allow your beliefs to change how you live in a world between victories.
Why is it often so hard to remember Jesus in the overwhelm of motherhood? Through His power that works mightily in us, we truly can “be about what we’re going to be about forever.”