Weary traveler
“WEARY TRAVELER“, Jordan st. Cyr
Beat down from the storms that you have weathered
Feels like this road just might go on forever
Carry on
This was meant to be a Christmas post, and perhaps it is.
It’s about waiting: Living in a world between victories. Anticipating the coming of Christ.
Advent: from the Latin, “Adventus,” which means “coming, arrival.” Specifically, for Christians, we set aside time to celebrate the first coming of Christ, while also looking ahead to His one day triumphant return.
Christmas reminds us that Christ came for us, and that He is coming again. We live between the advents: the in-between place.
The Purpose of Advent
The purpose of Advent is to pause, to consider, to hold space in our hearts for remembering Christ, Who came, and reaching forward to Christ, Who returns. All the while — the meanwhile — we live in a world between the victories. Through His Spirit, we live with hope, joy, peace, and freedom.
The danger of the in-between place is that we are forgetful, and we are far too easily pleased with counterfeit hope. Too often lulled to sleep, we miss the One who was, and is, and is to come (Revelation 1:8).
He came. He will come again! But, remember, even now, He is here!
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, (John 1:14), and then when Christ was no longer an in-the-flesh earth dweller, He sent His Spirit to remain with us:
“But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you [to be in close fellowship with you],”
John 16:7 AMP
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!
It doesn’t get more up-close and personal than having the very Spirit of God indwelling you as a believer in Christ. He is here, God with us! What joy! What freedom! “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom,” (2 Corinthians 3:17).
And yet, in this world between victories, we still encounter seasons that weigh us down. Like the lyrics I shared above so aptly express, we grow weary as we travel the in-between place. We feel beat down, like the long road will never end.
What are we to do as we wait between Christ’s first coming and His final victorious return? How do we carry on when life presses in? How do we grow in wisdom, making the most of every opportunity, (Ephesians 5:15-16)? How do we live with indomitable joy?
I have amazing news! Advent gives us clear ways to live, grow, and serve here in the middle of Christ’s story.
In this in-between place, we are not left alone. We look back at His first coming with great joy, remembering His great rescue and redemption. We look forward to His second coming with great hope, knowing He will return and make all things new (Revelation 21:5).
The Hope and Person of Christmas brings joy to the world.
Jesus’s first arrival came with glad tidings and good news of great joy! Christ came to bring us back to Him and carry us down the long road between the advents.
If you are feeling weary this Christmas, allow me to point you to the resolute joy that is ours in Christ: Joy that endures suffering. Joy that persists even when pain is present. Joy made possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joy that sustains us when sorrow will not lift. Joy that journeys with us through the hard in-between place.
How do we fight for joy and hold fast to our hope in the in-between place?
Together we will look at nine different ways we walk in victory, even as we live in a world between victories.
Across my next several posts, I’m investigating each of these keep-watch behaviors. I hope you will join me in this wonderful Advent exploration.
Part two of this series, 3 Ways We Live in a World Between Victories can be found here.